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Fake Uganda Christian University diploma, buy a UCU degree

Uganda Christian University diploma-1

Uganda Christian University diploma-1

Uganda Christian University diploma
Uganda Christian University diploma

Uganda Christian University was founded when the historic Bishop Tucker Theological College was promoted as a university in 1997. buy fake Uganda Christian University diploma, Bishop Tucker Theological College trained clergy and educators during its 84-year history from 1913-1997. The local chief, Hamu Mukasa, granted land for the college to operate in Mukono.

International partnerships were part of the College’s missionary history. buy Uganda Christian University diploma online, The Church Mission Society teamed with Ugandan leaders and others to assure the College had the necessary intellectual and other capital.

How to buy a fake Uganda Christian University diploma for better jobs?

By the late 1990s, the Church of Uganda sought to have a broader impact on society through higher education – not only of clergy but of other professionals as well. How to get Uganda Christian University diploma? Uganda Christian University was established in 1997.

Vision: A Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa

Mission: To Equip students for productive, holistic lives of Christian faith and service.

Core Values:


They acknowledge the Lordship of Christ, seeking to know and obey God’s will, challenging ingrained secular thinking in education.


They are careful in whatever they do, conscientious at work, and persistent in the face of difficulty because their work is a service to the Lord Jesus Christ.


They hold to sound moral character, as defined by biblical principles of upholding honesty and transparency, truthfulness, faithfulness, and exercising humility.


They are convinced that all people bear the image of God, Uganda Christian University diploma certificate, therefore they commit to love them as they love themselves, using their positions of influence to build up others.


They faithfully manage themselves, their relationship, and tangible resources knowing that these are given to them in trust, for God’s glory.

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